Can Your Employees Actually Enjoy Their Compliance Courses? YES!

The Bolder Company has partnered with Traliant to provide an extensive course library of interactive and on-demand online training that covers a variety of topics from Sexual Harassment Prevention to Code of Conduct, to teach employees and managers how to handle challenging, real-world situations in the workplace.

Through Traliant we provide training that educates, engages, and motivates employees & supervisors by influencing behaviors and promoting a positive and respectful workplace environment.

Our most popular courses include:

  • CT Preventing Harassment & Discrimination (employee & supervisor) by industry

  • Unconscious Bias, Avoiding Retaliation, & Workplace Diversity, Inclusion & Sensitivity

  • Employment Law Essentials for Managers


Here’s How We Do It

  • Interactive Training You Truly Experience

    Watch and engage with high-quality, interactive videos highlighting real-world scenarios that allow viewers to choose what happens next.

  • Built for the Modern Workforce

    Mobile-optimized, bit-sized episodes are the perfect fit for our interruption-prone schedules and better adapt to the way your employees learn today.

  • Fully Customizable

    We can quickly and efficiently customize the content and images to seamlessly blend in with your brand look, feel and message.

  • Fresh Content Every Year

    Resources are focused on revamping content with new videos, actors, images, and content each year to eliminate the annual “tune-out”.

  • Customizable Dashboard

    Track your employees’ progress and completion to ensure compliance with the elegant dashboard


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